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Family member - Vi Duc Truong

An interview with new team rider Vi Duc Truong!

Photo: Claus Berg

Vi Duc Truong
Vi Duc Truong

Oh Yeah!

We are thrilled to have you on board! A good friend, always a smile ready, and a beast on the skateboard! Share, like, and give our very best welcome to Vi Duc! The following is an interview we made with Vi Duc about him and his skateboarding. Please enjoy.

Can you tell us about your journey into skateboarding and how you became a pro skateboarder?

It started year 2000, where my cousin and a friend introduced me to skateboarding, they pushed me to drop in the miniramp, I did it and been hooked ever since. 

I remember my neighbor had a skateboard and he didn’t really skate, so I borrowed his skateboard and had it for a long time. He realized quickly that the skateboard was long gone. His mom asked him a bunch of times to get it back, but he didn’t care and told me to keep it. Then I got my first real skateboard on my birthday in 2002. I skated that board almost every day, until my nose and tail had no more pop.

I started to compete in the summer of 2004 and got my first sponsor by a local skate shop and board sponsor too. It really gave me a boost during that time, my progression evolved fast, kept competing, got to travel outside of Norway, and also started to get clips in the streets. I think my first video part was dropped in 2006.

Then I moved to Oslo right after high school, got more opportunities to skate, travel, film etc. In 2009/2010 I got my breakthrough, and got promoted more by sponsors, and got to compete and skate more internationally. 

At some point I realized that I wanted to skate more street and filming parts, than competing, and that has continued until today. 

Skateboarding spots can vary greatly – from streets to skate parks to DIY spots. Could you describe an unusual or unexpected location where you've had an unforgettable skate session?

I had many unforgettable sessions and spots, one of the tops of the list is in Oslo. 

My friend Magnus Bordewick made a cool DIY (Plass1), outside of Oslo city. That was in the middle of the pandemic, and the government decided to remove the DIY and make it into a covid testing station. 

We only had the DIY for a few weeks, and all the great skaters in Oslo was there constantly and filmed a lot of tricks. 

It was in the middle of autumn, cold and dark, but that did not affect us. Everyone killed it, having a great time, good energy, bonfires and barbeques. 

That’s why it´s one of my favorite moments. Pekka (the filmmaker) also made a cool edit from the DIY, it’s currently on the Thrasher Magazine website.

What's your favorite skateboarding trick and why does it hold a special place for you?

My favorite tricks are Nollie Hardflip, Switch Hardflip, Switch Frontside Flip & Nollie Backside Flip. All these tricks are similar together. But if I must choose one of them, it will be the Nollie Hardflip. That´s my “go to” trick. It has also become my signature trick as well.

Skateboarding is often considered a form of self-expression. How has your personal style evolved over the years, and how do you use it to stand out in a crowded skate scene?

I had a thing where I used to always go for big things, big stairs, big gaps and rails over the years. At some point, I got a different perspective on my skateboarding, rethinking what I like to skate, what kind of trick I should try and perform better. Also, how I look at skateboard clips and style are different now, compared to what I liked before. I think that’s important, to keep evolving. 

How do you balance pushing the boundaries of your skill while staying safe and avoiding injury?

I have over the years learnt better techniques when falling, to avoid injury’s, and started to think more about the consequences before a trick I have never tried before. But I still push to the limit, just trying to do it more safely now, than when I was 15. 

Beyond the physical aspects, skateboarding also involves a strong sense of community. Can you share an experience that highlights the positive impact skateboarding has had on your social connections?

Skateboarding made me a social person; I used to be shy before. 

Networking in the industries closely related to skateboarding became a thing to, such as snowboarding, filming, photos, music, art and other creative industries. 

I got to know a lot of people who I can work with, or collaborate projects with etc. 

Vi Duc Truong
Vi Duc Truong
Vi Duc Truong

Music and skateboarding have a long-standing connection. Are there any specific songs or artists that you find particularly inspiring or that get you in the right mindset for a great skateboarding session?

I´m mostly listening to hip-hop or soundtracks from skateboard videos that I really like. I get really hyped when a great song comes on, but it doesn’t have to be a specific genre, just a right song at the right time. 

Can you share some insights into your daily skateboarding routine and how you maintain your skills?

I try to skate every day, but not hard every day, sometimes I just need to cruise. Stretching after the skate sessions is something I try to do. Do the tricks you know well often, to try to maintain them. But also, be creative, watch skate videos, and try to evolve and learn new tricks. 

What advice do you have for aspiring skateboarders looking to make a name for themselves in the industry?

Don’t use the Iphone all the time. Get together with friends and try to buy a proper video camera. Get someone to film and get real skate clips. Try to make an edit and at some point, people will recognize you.

Vi Duc Truong
Vi Duc Truong
Vi Duc Truong
