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Family member - Martin Dammen

An interview with new team rider Martin Dammen!

Photo: Vi Duc Truong

Martin Dammen
Martin Dammen


Welcome Oslo Powerhouse to the Streetworld family Martin Dammen!

Can you tell us about your journey into skateboarding and how you became a pro skateboarder?

First of all, im not by any means pro. But anyways, I started skating with my neighbor when I was about 8 or 9 years old. Typical story, went through a couple of toy-store boards before I finally got a real set-up.

Luckily there was a really solid group of skaters in Hamar at the time so there was never any shortage of people to skate with. We started going to Oslo more and more frequently to skate and almost all of them live here now. Still skating too, it gives me alot of joy seeing that.

Skateboarding spots can vary greatly – from streets to skate parks to DIY spots. Could you describe an unusual or unexpected location where you've had an unforgettable skate session?

There was a really special vibe when Herm (Herman Stene) filmed his ender for his Lille Rotta part. He was battling for several days, but there was always a squad like 10 deep there to back him up. Obviously, because it’s insane to witness a trick like that, but there was also a really nice sense of community and togetherness.

It's really hard to pinpoint one session I’ve had at a certain location, but if the vibe in the gang is like that, anywhere can be the location. Maybe I’m biased but I feel like Oslo is really popping nowadays. Come through!

What's your favorite skateboarding trick and why does it hold a special place for you?

Even though I love a good manual trick i guess it’s hardflip for me. Like so many others I thought Brian Herman looked insanely cool doing them,  so I had to learn them too. And they stuck with me.

Skateboarding is often considered a form of self-expression. How has your personal style evolved over the years, and how do you use it to stand out in a crowded skate scene?

I would say it has matured but it’s still very much the same. It’s still true to me and what I would like to be as a skater. I don’t know, watch a lot of skating, like a lot. Find out what you like, be on a constant lookout for the next thing you like and stay true to that.

How do you balance pushing the boundaries of your skill while staying safe and avoiding injury?

I try to maintain good habits. I don’t drink alcohol anymore, I go to the gym, do yoga, cold showers and I try to keep my diet close to healthy (failing miserably though). Not necessarily to prevent injury but it does pull in the same direction I guess. I do find a sense of safety in knowing I do those things, but when it comes to pushing my limits it’s more of a safety in consistency kinda thing. As long as I skate often, whatever happens happens. If you skate often it’s easier knowing your limits. 

Beyond the physical aspects, skateboarding also involves a strong sense of community. Can you share an experience that highlights the positive impact skateboarding has had on your social connections?

Still to this day, it gives me a sense of security and belonging whenever I go to a new place.

We wouldn’t be having this conversation if skateboarding hadn’t sent me on that adidas trip to London where I met you guys. It’s hard to pinpoint one specific situation because it has been integral in all the situations and I’ve met so many people I never would have met otherwise.

Martin Dammen
Martin Dammen

Music and skateboarding have a long-standing connection. Are there any specific songs or artists that you find particularly inspiring or that get you in the right mindset for a great skateboarding session?

I’m all over the place when it comes to that. It depends on whatever comes my way organically both domestic and international. It’s a boring answer but it just depends on the day for me.

Can you share some insights into your daily skateboarding routine and how you maintain your skills?

In the wintertime, I try to skate at the indoor park 2-3 times a week and that’s enough. While in the summertime I’m out whenever I can. We get a limited amount of sunny days in Norway so it’s best to try and make the most out of every one of them.

What advice do you have for aspiring skateboarders looking to make a name for themselves in the industry?

Skate a lot with your friends, watch a lot of skateboarding, new stuff, old stuff, lame stuff, cool stuff. And then go out and make your own stuff.

Thanks for taking the time!
